Since 2008

Johannes SCHENK Professor Born 1958 in Klagenfurt (capital city of Carinthia, Austria) 1973 – 1978 Technical High School in Klagenfurt, Austria 1979 – 1985 Study of Process Engineering on Graz Univ. of Technology, Austria 1985 – 1989 Doctor Thesis on Graz Univ. of Technology 1988 – 1990 Assistant Professor on Graz Univ. [...]


Wilfried KRIEGER Professor Born 1944 in Znaim (now Czech Republic). 1962-1968 Studies of metallurgy at the Montanistic University in Leoben (Montanistische Hochschule Leoben), then assistant at the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy. 1971 Promotion to Dr. mont. at the Montanistic University. 1971-1988 Aissistant to director in the section „Forschung, Entwicklung und Qualitätswesen“ of [...]


Herbert TRENKLER Professor Born 1907 in Königshof (now Czech Republic). 1926-1931 Studies of two semesters of physics at the University of Technology Muenchen (TH München) and studies of metallurgy at the Montanistic University Leoben (Montanistische Hochschule Leoben). 1933 Promotion to Dr. mont. at the Montanistic University in Leoben (Montanistische Hochschule in Leoben). [...]


Richard WALZEL Professor Born 1895 in Neunkirchen (Lower Austria). 1913-1920 Studies of metallurgy at the Montanistic University in Leoben (Montanistische Hochschule in Leoben) (1915-1918 discontinued due to military service). 1920 Admittance to the metallurgical plant Donawitz of the Österreichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft (ÖAMG). 1926 Head and organizer of the „Stahlversuchsabteilung“. 1929 Promotion to Dr. [...]


Othmar v. KEIL-EICHENTHURN Professor Born 1888 in Troppau (former Austria-Silesia). 1910-1915 Studies of ferrous metallurgy at the mining academy in Freiberg in Saxony. 1915-1916 Relevant professional experience as steelworks assistant (Stahlwerksassistent). 1916-1919 Private assistant to Professor Paul Oberhoffer (Breslau respectively Aachen). 1919 Promotion to Dr.-Ing. at the University of Technology Aachen (TH [...]


Karl BRISKER Professor Born 1875 in Königshütte (Upper Silesia, now Poland). 1896-1900 After four semesters of studying philology and history at the Universities of Prague and Berlin 1896-1900 studies of mining and metallurgy at the mining academy (Bergakademie) in Leoben; afterwards assistant for general machine engineering (Allgemeine Maschinenkunde). 1903-1905 Relevant professional experience [...]


Josef GÄNGL v. EHRENWERTH Professor Born 1843 in Spittal a. d. Drau. 1862-1866 Studies at the mining academy (Bergakademie) in Leoben. 1866-1870 Relevant professional experience in steelworks in Werfen, Ebenau, Eisenerz and Storé (near Cilli). 1870-1873 Assistant at the k.k. mining academy (k.k. Bergakademie) in Pribram (metallurgy and assaying). 1873-1875 Assistant and [...]


Franz KUPELWIESER Professor Born 1830 in Vienna. 1850-1852 Studies at the montanistic academy (Montan-Lehranstalt) in Leoben; afterwards assistant (k.k. Bergwesenspraktikant). 1856-1862 Leading engineer in k.k. steelwork in Reschitza (Banat). 1862-1866 (Oberhüttenmeister) chief foreman and academic for general metallurgy (Allgemeine Hüttenkunde) at the mining academy (Bergakademie) in Leoben. 1865 Promotion to full professorship for ferrous, non-ferrous metallurgy [...]


Franz (Ritter v.) SPRUNG Professor Born 1815 in Krenhof bei Köflach (Styria). 1830-1837 Natural scientific, philosophic and juridical studies at Graz; judgeship assessment in Klagenfurt. 1837-1838 Practical experience in mining- and steel works near Gmünd in Kärnten (Carinthia). 1838-1840 Studies at the k.k. mining academy (k.k. Bergakademie) in Schemnitz. 1840-1842 Studies at [...]

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