RÜCKBLICK_Stammtisch mit der Firma Ebner Industrieofenbau_29.10.2024 RÜCKBLICK_Stammtisch mit der Firma Ebner Industrieofenbau_29.10.2024 RÜCKBLICK_Stammtisch mit der Firma Ebner Industrieofenbau_29.10.2024PR Metallurgie2024-11-06T12:23:17+01:0006/11/2024|
ECIC 2024 – Presentations on research and development projects for hydrogen plasma smelting reduction melting and low-CO2 sintering ECIC 2024 – Presentations on research and development projects for hydrogen plasma smelting reduction melting and low-CO2 sintering ECIC 2024 – Presentations on research and development projects for hydrogen plasma smelting reduction melting and low-CO2 sinteringPR Metallurgie2024-11-06T12:04:58+01:0006/11/2024|
Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous MetallurgyMeT2024-12-13T13:18:14+01:0031/10/2024|
Influence of the H2O-content and its effect on the kinetics of the reduction of iron ores in the fluidised bedMeT2024-09-19T09:16:53+02:0018/09/2024|Tags: Nr.: 767, Student: Usama Rehman Lodhi|
Evaluating different oxidizing atmospheres (H2O-steam, dry air, H2- and/or CH4 combustion atmosphere) for different product groupsMeT2024-05-06T13:21:42+02:0006/05/2024|Tags: Nr.: 765, Student: Mitra Madani|
Charakterisierung des Clogging-Layer-Aufbaus im Eintauchausguss mit unterschiedlichen Tracer-ElementenMeT2024-05-06T13:23:20+02:0006/05/2024|Tags: Nr. 734, Student: Martin Wolz|
Identifikation der Quelle von Calciumaluminat-Einschlüsse hochkohliger Stähle mittels SchlackentracingsMeT2024-02-28T08:53:27+01:0026/02/2024|Tags: Nr.: 762, Student: Stefanie Berghuber|