Ferrous Metallurgy Technical Equipment and Software

High Temperature Vertical Tube Furnace with adjustable gas atmosphere

The Gero Carbolite HTRV 100-250/18 is used to observe the dissolution properties of slag formers and steel scrap in liquid slag and metallic liquids, respectively. Further, the determination of liquid slag properties e.g. diffusion coefficients is possible. The maximum temperatures are 1720 °C. The heating is carried out through molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) heating elements [...]

Nozzle Measuring Stand

Increasing requirements on the properties of steel are challenging steel plant operators.  Controlled cooling, as a part of most metallurgical processes, takes an important role in fulfilling these requirements. Optimal cooling strategies help to adjust mechanical properties and to minimize the formation or promotion of surface defects. But not only the steel quality is improved; [...]


The FE-SEM produces ultra-high resolution images of conductive samples. The microscope is mainly used for topographical evaluation and chemical manual and automated inclusion analysis in Fe-alloys. The JEOL 7200F has an in-lens shottky field emitting cathode (1-30kV) and is assemled with various state of the art detectors. Due to the high optical/chemical resolution and [...]

SEM FEI Quanta 200Mk2

The SEM produces high resolution images of conductive and non conductive samples. The microscope is mainly used for manual topographical and chemical analysis of Fe-alloys, ores, dusts and slags. The Quanta 200 Mk2 has a high performance thermal emission SEM column (W) and is assembled with various detectors. A special feature of this microscope [...]

Metallographic Preparation Laboratory

The metallographic preparation laboratory of the institute is equipped with typical used machines needed for metallographic sample preparation. The laboratory contains a precision wet abrasive cut-off machine, a semi automated and an automated embedding machines. For micrograph preparation at least five different grinding and polishing devices can be used. Grinding operations of 1200, 600, [...]

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