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So far MeT has created 295 blog entries.

January/February 2019: Research stay at Polytechnique Montréal (Canada)

In January Michael Bernhard spent two weeks at the Centre for Research in Computational Thermochemistry at Polytechnique Montréal. In collaboration with GTT-Technologies (Germany) the group has developed the thermochemical software and database computing system FactSage. Within his research stay Michael dealed with thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-P and Fe-C-P systems based on new measurements by thermal [...]

Auflösungsverhalten von Schrott in Roheisen unter Schutzgas-atmosphäre

Kurzbeschreibung und Problemstellung: Schrott wird im LD-Prozess als ein wichtigster Zuschlagstoff neben Roheisen zugesetzt. Schrott dient dabei als Kühlmittel und Eisenträger. Seine Auflösungskinetik wurde bereits des Öfteren unter oxidierenden Bedingungen untersucht. Dabei kam es bei hohen Temperaturen und langen Haltezeiten oftmals zu Verfälschungen der Ergebnisse durch Oxidation der Probenaufnahme. Des Weiteren zeigten [...]

Inclusion Metallurgy

The primary focus of this research group are divers questions concerning the cleanness of steels using different experimental and analytical methods as well as thermodynamic and kinetic calculations. The cleanness of steels is an essential quality criterion for a wide variety of special steel applications. Non-metallic inclusions can initiate cracks or other material defects [...]

New Casting Processes for New Steel Grades

Development of novel process strategies for thin slab casting and direct rolling (TSDR) The production capacity of installed TSDR plants worldwide amounts today to significantly more than 100 Mio. tons/a. Among these technologies, the endless strip production routes show the highest potential with respect to unique homogeneity in the mechanical properties along the entire strip [...]

Computational Casting

To satisfy increasing demands in product quality and process efficiency a comprehensive understanding of the continuous casting process is necessary. Solidification models can help to increase the knowledge about the influence of process parameters on solidification behavior during the casting of steel. The Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy has developed models in one and two [...]

Defect formation in casting processes

The development of new alloying concepts, the modification of production routes due to the de-carbonization of steelmaking and last but not least, increasing quality demands will additionally stimulate research activities on high-temperature oxidation.During steel production and processing, the product surface is exposed to temperatures up to 1250 °C and a wide variation of oxidizing atmospheres. [...]

USI Leoben Eisstockturnier

3 teams of the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy participated in the annual USI Leoben Eisstockturnier 2019. While „ESM – Inclusion“ and „K1Met Ultimate“ could not pass the preliminary round, team „Waterboys of ESM“ (Reitbauer, Reisinger, Lammer, Mayrhofer, Preuler) enhanced themselves in each and every round, and made it up to the semifinals in the knock-out [...]

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