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So far MeT has created 295 blog entries.

Visit of managers and researchers of United States Steel Corporation

On the 4th of June three managers and researchers of the United States Steel Corporation from US visit together with two colleagues from Primetals Technology our Chair. The motivation for the visit was to meet Prof. Bernhard as a casting expert and Dr. Presoly concerning the characterization of peritectic steels. Special interest was on the [...]

High frequency remelting furnace (HFR)

The High-frequency remelting (HFR) and spin-casting machine allows the rapid production of laboratory alloys by induction melting under argon protective atmosphere. The turbulent flow from the induction provides an excellent mixing of the melt and the closed melting chamber prevents oxidation. The subsequent (optional) centrifugal spin-casting into a copper mould supports also the homogenization [...]

Tammann furnace

The tammann furnace is an electric resistance tube furnace from the manufacturer Ruhrstrat GmbH (Ruhrstrat HRTK 32 Sond.) with a maximum operating temperature of 1700°C.  With the experimental set-up of the tammann-type furnace it’s possible to investigate a huge variety of steel systems. Since change in atmosphere and alloying in any order is feasible, [...]

Open House on the 17th of May 2019

Three times each semester, the Montanuniversität Leoben offers an open house day for interested students where they can learn about our different study programmes and have a look around the university. Again, we could welcome our visitors to the department in our foyer where we could show them the world of metallurgy with our great [...]

Birth of Owen You

Our colleague Dali became father of a cute baby boy on May 16th. All the best for the future as a young family, health and numberless lovely moments with your little wonder! Conratulations from the whole team of the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy!

Evaluation results of the winter semester courses (2018/19): The Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Stands Out!

In the winter semester 2018/19, 194 courses were evaluated at the Montanuniversität Leoben, of which 48 were graded as "Excellent". 6 courses offered at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy proudly claimed their places in this list of excellence. The courses are - 220006 Iron and Steel Production (Christian Bernhard), 220039 Iron and Steel Metallurgy for [...]

Pressure Thermogravimetric Analyser

In the well-defined gas and temperature conditions of the pressure thermogravimetric analyser the weight changes of the samples can be measured. The testing programs are performed automatically recording gas-flows, temperatures, pressure and the weight of the sample. Principles of the pressure thermogravimetric analyser: temperatures in the apparatus can be adjusted between 25 and 1100 °C [...]

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