Department News

PhD Offer

TU Delft is looking for two PhD candidates, for projects supported by Tata Steel and the Dutch government. They are looking for 2 self-motivated and proactive PhD students at MPRR group, department MSE, TU Delft. The positions are available immediate; contract duration: 4-year. For the interested candidates: please contact: Associate professor Dr. Yongxiang Yang Group [...]

Job offer

voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH in Kapfenberg is currently looking for a summer student! Interested students can apply to Claudio Srepel:    PROJECT OBJECTIVE We are looking for a business development summer student to support us. The objective of this project is to support in identifying components & materials as well as the companies [...]

Lecture – Dr. W. Fragner

We cordially invite you to the lecture "Digitalization of continuous processes in materials manufacturing" by Dr. Werner Fragner. When? 10.06.2021, 5:00 p.m. Where? WebEx No registration is required! Dr. Werner Fragner is currently division manager of corporate technology at AMAG Austria Metall AG. Career: Dr.mont. Werner Fragner M.Sc. studied "Process Engineering and Plant Construction" at [...]

Job Offers

We currently have 2 job openings, each for a full-time scientific project assistant at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy in the Department of Metallurgy. The complete job advertisements can be found here: Furthermore, there is an open position for a postdoc:

Lecture – Dr. G. Klösch

We cordially invite you to the lecture "Digitalization and data analysis at the Donawitz steelworks using the example of research projects" by Dr. Gerald Klösch. When? 02.06.2021, 5:00 p.m. Where? WebEx No registration is required! Dr. Gerald Klösch is currently head of the department "Product, Process and Material Development" / Research and Development at voestalpine [...]


With flying colours: Nora Fuchs submitted her PhD, entitled "In-situ investigation of austenite grain growth in the presence of AlN by means of High-Temperature Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy". After successful evaluation from side of the reviewers Prof. Rian Dippenaar and Prof. Ronald Schnitzer, she defended her PhD succesfully and with the grade "Excellent" today. Congratulations, [...]

Job offer

The Steeltec business unit is part of the globally active Swiss Steel Group and, with around 1,000 employees in Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Turkey, is one of Europe's leading suppliers of carbon, stainless and free-cutting steel solutions and special bright steel. Our name stands for quality, dynamism and innovation for the maximum benefit of [...]

Lecture – Dr. G. Arth

We cordially invite you to the lecture "Industry 4.0 at RHI Magnesita & contributions by a metallurgist" by Dr. Gregor Arth. When? 05/27/2021, 5:00 p.m. Where? WebEx No registration is required! At the start of the presentation, the company RHI Magnesita will be introduced. Furthermore, the topic Industry 4.0 will be addressed, both at RHI [...]

Job offer

Primetals Technologies is currently looking for reinforcement in the technology department for converter- and electric steelmaking. They are looking for candidates with first work experience as well as metallurgy graduates. Here is the complete job advertisement: Applications are welcome via the job portal or personally to:

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