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So far MeT has created 295 blog entries.

Research visit at Mc Master University

Susanne Michelic and Kathrin Thiele visited colleagues at the Mc Master University in Hamilton, Canada. Within the CD-lab a cooperation regarding studying the inclusion behavior in the system steel-slag using High Temperature Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy with the team of Prof. Neslihan Dogan exists. Thanks to all colleagues at Mc Master for their hospitality, [...]


Kathrin Thiele and Susanne Michelic participated at the 8th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking which was held from 2nd to 4th August in Montreal, Canada. Susanne gave a plenary talk on "Different approaches to trace non-metallic inclusions in steel" and was also a member of the scientific committee.  One of [...]

Topic Collection “Inclusion/Precipitate Engineering and Thermo-Physical Properties in Liquid Steels and Alloys”

Together with research colleagues from Sweden and China Susanne Michelic edited a Topic Collection on Inclusion/Precipitate Engineering and Thermo-Physical Properties in Liquid Steels and Alloys in the journal Frontiers in Materials. The collection includes various articles on inclusion related research topics. The editorial article is available under the following link: doi: 10.3389/fmats.2022.922203

Lectures at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (CZE)

Within the “AKTION CZ-AT” project, a part of our continuous casting working group visited the Technical University of Ostrava in early May. Beside a guided tour of the technical laboratories of the metallurgical department, our team had the chance to visit the steel plant of “Liberty Ostrava a.s.”. In the exchange program, we gave for [...]

Kornfeinung von hochmanganhaltigen Weichenherzen mittels heterogenen Keimstellen

Kurzbeschreibung der Problemstellung Über 25 % aller Weichenherzen in Österreich bestehen aus Hadfield-Stahl, welcher mit 12-14 Massen-% Mangan legiert ist und zur Gruppe zur Gruppe der austenitischen Stähle gehört. Da diese Stähle keine Phasenumwandlung im festen Zustand aufweisen und Weichenherzen reine Gußprodukte ohne nachfolgenden Umformschritt sind, ist die Kornfeinung während des Giesens [...]

Metallurgists and winners of INTECO ASMET-Award @INTECO headoffices

After last years field trip was cancelled because of Covid, INTECO was more than happy to welcome the #students of the masters programm #Metallurgy at the University of Leoben at INTECO headoffices. INTECO also took the chance and handed over the INTECO #ASMET award in the course of this field trip. Congratulations to … Julian [...]

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