Fluidized Bed Cold Testing Model

Fluidized Bed Cold Testing Model

The fluidized bed cold testing model is used to identify the flow regimes and to measure the entrainment of the materials at defined gas velocities. The dimensions of the apparatus are equal to the hot fluidized bed reactor at the chair of ferrous metallurgy. Therefore, materials can be tested concerning their fluidization behaviour using dimensionless numbers to set the appropriate conditions. Absolute pressures and pressure drops can be measured and recorded at various points of the apparatus.

Principles of the fluidized bed reactor:

  • due to the inner diameter of 160 mm, a sample mass of 5 kg (up to 10 kg) can be used during batch operation (equal to the fluidized bed reactor of the chair of ferrous metallurgy)
  • ambient temperature and a maximum pressure of 0,3 bar gauge
  • nitrogen is used as fluidizing gas; maximum flows depend on the maximum permissible pressure


Bernd Taferner

PhD-candidate - Primary Metallurgy and Metallurgical Processes
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