Visit of the senior class of the HTL Leoben

Visit of the senior class of the HTL Leoben

On the 10th of January 2019, students from the senior class of the HTL Leoben visited the institute for ferrous metallurgy. After a quick lunch, there was an extensive agenda.
First Prof. Bernhard welcomed the students and he introduced his research topics and gave an outlook of the future of the metallurgical industry.
The next station was in the technical centre of the institute, where the students witnessed a melting experiment and even saw the casting. Later the students inspected the reduction metallurgical centre and our cellar. There the students learned about one of our biggest research topics, the field of hydrogen metallurgy.
Afterwards they had an introduction into the world of grain boundaries and grain structure, which are investigated at our institute with a high temperature laser scanning confocal microscope.
The last station was our metallography where they could experience at first hand the difference between a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope.
We hope the students enjoyed their afternoon at our university and we wish them all the best for their upcoming examinations!

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