Influence of the H2O-content and its effect on the kinetics of the reduction of iron ores in the fluidised bed

Influence of the H2O-content and its effect on the kinetics of the reduction of iron ores in the fluidised bed

Usama Rehman Lodhi

Nr.: 767

  • Brief description

The development of the HyREX process is another important step in the transformation of the iron and steel industry towards a more environmentally friendly industry. The production of CO2-free DRI in the fluidised bed is an important step in the process chain. This can be achieved by using a reducing gas mixture of hydrogen – water vapour – nitrogen.

It is possible to control the reduction by varying the gas composition and the resulting change in the degree of gas oxidation (GOD). As part of the Master’s thesis, this parameter influencing the reduction behaviour of the fine ore is to be investigated. Reduction tests will be carried out, using the fluidised bed (68 mm retort) on a laboratory scale, whereby the temperature will be varied, and the GOD will be constantly increased.

  • Content and Procedure
    • Carrying out literature research
    • Collaboration in the reduction tests with defined parameters of fine ores in the fluidised bed
    • Evaluation and interpretation of the test results and material analyses of the directly reduced iron (DRI)
    • Carrying out model calculations to analyse the reduction behaviour of the fine ore


Johannes Schenk

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Primary Metallurgy and Metallurgical Processes

Jan Eisbacher-Lubensky

Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Primary Metallurgy and Metallurgical Processes

Bernd Taferner

PhD-candidate - Primary Metallurgy and Metallurgical Processes
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