September 2020
Rigorosum Daniel Spreitzer
We congratulate our new alumni of the doctoral program in [...]
August 2020
Metallurgie in und nach der Corona-Zeit: Erfolgreich in Lehre und Forschung
Der Lockdown in Folge der Corona-Pandemie hat auch die [...]
Summer internship in the field of metallurgy in summer 2020
It has been a tradition at the chairs of metallurgy [...]
“Sehr gut” – excellent results in the evaluation of the WS19/20
We are very proud to announce that 8 metallurgy courses [...]
Rigorosum Masab Naseri Seftejani
We congratulate our new alumni of the doctoral program in [...]
July 2020
New publication in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Michael, Peter and Nora published a new article on an [...]