Field trip on ferrous metallurgy: Austria 2024 Field trip on ferrous metallurgy: Austria 2024 Field trip on ferrous metallurgy: Austria 2024PR Metallurgie2024-12-13T13:05:18+01:0021/10/2024|
AWARDED. “Best Paper” Richard J. Fruehan Award (AIST) AWARDED. “Best Paper” Richard J. Fruehan Award (AIST) AWARDED. “Best Paper” Richard J. Fruehan Award (AIST)PR Metallurgie2024-12-09T13:20:47+01:0017/10/2024|
Hydrogen-Carbon Centre Inauguration Hydrogen-Carbon Centre Inauguration Hydrogen-Carbon Centre InaugurationMeT2024-12-12T08:22:04+01:0017/10/2024|
Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous MetallurgyMeT2024-12-13T13:18:14+01:0031/10/2024|
Happy Graduation! Happy Graduation! Happy Graduation!PR Metallurgie2024-10-21T12:48:04+02:0021/10/2024|
Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Schwefelcharakterisierung in Eisenerzen für die PelletierungMeT2023-10-05T10:09:02+02:0025/07/2022|Tags: Nr.: 156, Student: Nicolas Denis|
Charakterisierung des Clogging-Layer-Aufbaus im Eintauchausguss mit unterschiedlichen Tracer-ElementenMeT2024-05-06T13:23:20+02:0006/05/2024|Tags: Nr. 734, Student: Martin Wolz|
Identifikation der Quelle von Calciumaluminat-Einschlüsse hochkohliger Stähle mittels SchlackentracingsMeT2024-02-28T08:53:27+01:0026/02/2024|Tags: Nr.: 762, Student: Stefanie Berghuber|
Impact of second phase precipitation and solute drag effects on austenite grain growthMeT2024-12-06T08:34:58+01:0006/12/2024|Tags: PhD-candidate: Maximilian Kern|
H2 Plasma Smelting Reduction of Iron Ore in a Multi Cathode Electric Arc FurnaceMeT2023-05-16T09:27:50+02:0015/05/2023|Tags: PhD-candidate: Felix Hoffelner|