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So far MeT has created 297 blog entries.

Effect of Precipitates on Surface Cracks in Continuous Casting of Steel

Details In recent years, the required properties of steel products are getting higher and higher, and the steel composition contains more alloy elements. Also, steelmakers are facing pressure to change their ironmaking & steelmaking processes to reduce CO2 emissions. In these environmental changes, maintaining and further improving the quality of casts [...]

Hybrid modelling of the continuous casting of steel

Details To prevent surface defects and enhance product quality, controlled cooling is essential. Ensuring the surface temperature remains above the "Leidenfrost-Temperature" is critical to form a stable vapor layer on the slab surface in order to maintain a consistent heat dissipation rate. This condition is influenced by several factors, including surface [...]

On the potential of endless strip production routes for the processing of advanced high strength steels from lower quality obsolete scrap

Details The ongoing transformation of the steel industry towards environmentally friendly steel production represents a major challenge. New technologies aim to reduce energy consumption and direct CO2 emissions by changing selected processes of conventional steel production routes. Thin Slab Casting and Rolling technologies, such as the Arvedi Endless Strip Production (Arvedi [...]

Hybrid process modeling of secondary steelmaking

Details As part of global decarbonization efforts, the transition to more sustainable steel production presents a significant challenge. A crucial step in this process will be the further optimization of secondary metallurgy, which is responsible for refining steel before continuous casting. This process plays a central role in modern steel production [...]

Impact of second phase precipitation and solute drag effects on austenite grain growth

Details In steelmaking processes like continuous casting, controlling austenite grain size is critical to achieving high manufacturing quality standards. Therefore, proper grain growth adjustment reduces the risk of strand embrittlement and surface cracks while significantly influencing the properties of austenite decomposition products such as ferrite, martensite, and bainite. This PhD thesis [...]

Untersuchung der Hochtemperaturoxidation im kontrollierten Laborversuch zur experimentellen Simulation der Sekundärkühlzone einer Stranggießanlage

Kurzbeschreibung der Problemstellung: Interne und externe Oxidationsphänomene stellen eine Herausforderung beim Stranggießen von Stählen dar und können nicht gänzlich vermieden werden. Zusätzlich können durch den höheren Einsatz von niedrigqualitativem Stahlschrott im Elektrolichtbogenofen (EAF) höhere Gehalte an unerwünschten Spurenelementen, wie etwa Cu oder Sn, auftreten und die Produktqualität durch Eindringen flüssiger Cu-Sn Phasen [...]

Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy

After four months of renovation work, the newly designed metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy was reopened at the end of October. The laboratory served our students and employees for over 20 years before the extensive renovation started and a new workspace up to the latest state-of-the-art was built. Particular attention was [...]

Hydrogen-Carbon Centre Inauguration

The Hydrogen-Carbon Centre at Montanuniversität Leoben was inaugurated in October of this year. The Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy is also involved with two research facilities: a multi-cathode furnace and an arc-based plasma pyrolysis system. The multi-cathode furnace allows us to conduct research into fundamental to industrial-scale issues on a pilot plant scale. The furnace`s [...]

Effiziente Aufbereitung von Rotschlamm mittels Wasserstoffplasma-Schmelzreduktion: Analyse der Reduzierbarkeit und Prozessoptimierung

Inhalt: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der systematischen Untersuchung des Wasserstoffplasma-Schmelzreduktionsprozesses (HPSR) zur effizienten Aufbereitung von Rotschlamm. Im ersten Schritt wird eine umfassende Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, die sich detailliert mit der Entstehung, den globalen Mengen, der chemischen Zusammensetzung und insbesondere den Eisengehalten von Rotschlamm auseinandersetzt. Darauf aufbauend werden thermodynamische Berechnungen vorgenommen, um [...]

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