About MeT

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So far MeT has created 295 blog entries.

Metallographic Preparation Laboratory

The metallographic preparation laboratory of the institute is equipped with typical used machines needed for metallographic sample preparation. The laboratory contains a precision wet abrasive cut-off machine, a semi automated and an automated embedding machines. For micrograph preparation at least five different grinding and polishing devices can be used. Grinding operations of 1200, 600, [...]

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Master Programme on Sustainable Materials (SUMA)

The Sustainable Materials (SUMA) master programmes are two year master programmes embedded in the engineering programmes of the participating universities (120 ECTS). They combine a high level of expertise in materials with competences in sustainable materials engineering and sustainability to educate responsible materials oriented entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders for the future. Five partner universities offer [...]


Um den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu begegnen, ist eine deutliche Verringerung der weltweiten CO2-Emissionen notwendig. Wissenschaftler des Lehrstuhls für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie wollen dazu einen erheblichen Beitrag leisten. Das Projektteam des Lehrstuhls für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie Im Übereinkommen von Paris wurde eine Verringerung der CO2-Emissionen um 80 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2050 vereinbart. Damit ist [...]

Lecture at the BeSt³ fair in Vienna

On the 9th of march the study program of metallurgy had the chance to present itself at the biggest educational fair in Austria. Christian Bernhard from the department held a lecture about “Metallurgy – with Innovation into the future”. He explained to the audience not only, what metallurgy is but also, which possibilities metallurgists have. [...]

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