On November 15, 2023, the Young Academic Forum for Metallurgy convened, organized by RWTH Aachen. Students, young educators, and early-career professionals gathered to exchange ideas and establish connections. Several of our students seized the opportunity to participate in the forum and engage in networking activities. All participants were graciously invited by Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM) to visit their facilities, where they received a presentation on the company’s decarbonization strategy. In addition to the presentation, a tour of the blast furnaces was arranged, allowing participants to even glimpse inside a furnace due to a maintenance shutdown.
The following day, our students further expanded their networks by accepting an invitation from RWTH Aachen to visit the Institutes of Ferrous Metallurgy and Material Applications. They engaged in discussions with university students on current topics in research and education.
We express our gratitude to RWTH Aachen and the Young Academic Forum for Metallurgy for the invitation and look forward to continued exchanges and collaborative research projects.