From May 18 to 20, 2021 there will be ÖH elections, where the new student representatives of Metallurgy (STV) will also be elected.
Today we introduce Theresa, Raphael and Robert, who are running as a team for the STV:

Dear Metallurgists!

We – Theresa, Raphael and Robert – would like to run for the Student Council of Metallurgy in this year’s ÖH election and be your representatives and contact persons for problems and concerns of all kinds for the next two years. Theresa and Raphael have been studying at the University of Leoben since 2019, Robert since 2016. Since then we are enthusiastic metallurgy students who would like to share this passion with you!

Together, our goal is to create the best study conditions for us metallurgists. We can achieve this through constructive cooperation with professors, industry partners and especially you students.

Due to the Corona pandemic and the accompanying regulations, almost all activities and events away from studying have been cancelled or shifted to an online solution in recent months. However, since we believe that personal contact and exchange among us students is an important part of studying, it is our particular concern to pick up speed again, especially in this respect, and to create a diverse social program for you students. We want to achieve this through joint activities and events, such as regulars’ tables and company lectures, summer and Christmas parties, jacket and T-shirt campaigns and much more. Of course, we are always happy to receive opinions and ideas from you! Don’t hesitate to contact us and share your suggestions!

Briefly about us:

My name is Theresa Mahal and I am 23 years old. After finishing my apprenticeship as a materials engineer, I decided to study metallurgy at the University of Leoben in 2019. On the side, I have been working at the public relations department at the university since October 2020. In my free time I like to pursue my hobby, hiking.

My name is Raphael Scheiblehner, I am 23 years old, have been studying metallurgy since 2019 and have also been working as a student assistant at the NEM Institute since 2020. When university and work stress allow it, I like to be out and about in the mountains of the Gesäuse near my home Admont in Upper Styria.

My name is Robert Littringer, I am 24 years old and have been studying metallurgy at Montanuni since 2016. Besides my studies, I work as a student assistant and volunteer in various associations. I like to spend my free time in the mountains, at the lake, or on my motorcycle.

We hope to be able to count on your vote in the upcoming election and look forward to the next two years with you!

With best regards!

Theresa, Raphael and Robert