Dear colleagues,
Dear Metallurgists!

As you have surely noticed, the University of Leoben is currently undergoing a curriculum reform. The Metallurgy Department is also involved in the reform and there are some far-reaching changes ahead for some students, especially in the Bachelor’s programme. The new curricula will start in autumn 2022. Some of you will have to decide whether to change to the new curriculum or stay with the old one. We would like to discuss this central question with you!

We, the student representatives and students in the curriculum committee, have been involved in this process from the beginning and have worked out a modern study plan together with the professors. At this point, we would like to thank all those involved, who have listened to us students through their consensus-oriented and understanding manner. Thanks to this, we were able to achieve great results for us students in the new curriculum.

Since many questions, uncertainties and concerns naturally arise during a curriculum reform, we have decided to organise an information event for you together with the professors of our field of study, where we will clarify your concerns, worries and open questions.

Here are the hard facts:
When? 13.06.2022 at 6 p.m.
Where? Lecture hall Raiffeisen and Online
Who? Student representatives together with our teachers
How? Just come along

We will respond to your questions, concerns and needs at this information event! At this information event, we will discuss the new study programme “Metallurgy and Metal Recycling”, which means that this information event is primarily aimed at metallurgists.

We ask you to take advantage of this opportunity! Especially our younger colleagues are encouraged to get all relevant information at this event! Of course, we will always be available after the event if any questions arise.

There is no need to register, in addition the event will be shown via live stream, you will get the link a few days before the event!

P.S.: If you have any questions in advance, don’t hesitate to contact us!

We look forward to seeing you!
Theresa, Raphael and Robert

Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz Josef-Straße 18
8700 Leoben, Austria
Visit us at: StV Metallurgie