Young Academic Forum for Metallurgy 2023

On November 15, 2023, the Young Academic Forum for Metallurgy convened, organized by RWTH Aachen. Students, young educators, and early-career professionals gathered to exchange ideas and establish connections. Several of our students seized the opportunity to participate in the forum and engage in networking activities. All participants were graciously invited by Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann [...]

SeLiReco process : Citric acid as a solvent

The team at Montanuni Leoben, led by Eva Gerold, has developed a groundbreaking approach to the recycling of lithium-ion batteries. Through the SeLiReco process, which utilizes citric acid as a solvent, valuable metals such as cobalt, lithium, and nickel can be efficiently extracted. This method earned the prestigious Energy Globe Styria Award as well as [...]


On December 5th, 2023, our students from the ASMET student section invited people to an exciting company lecture. Alexander Mayrhofer (Head of Tech Center) provided interesting insights into the company structure and production processes. The dinner together at "Arkadenhof" offered an ideal opportunity for networking. We would like to thank “ALU MENZIKEN” and all [...]


On behalf of the entire Department of Metallurgy, we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to our students on passing their Master’s examination. We wish them all the best for the future and are confident that they will use their degree to successfully continue their career path and achieve further successes in the [...]

Congratulation on the PhD

We are particularly pleased to extend our congratulations to Daniel Ernst on the successful completion of his Rigorosum. He has defended his doctoral thesis on the topic "Strategies for optimizing the process parameters of hydrogen plasma smelt reduction plants" with success. This marks a significant milestone in his academic career and opens up numerous opportunities [...]

“Das waren die MetalDays 2023!”

Die MetalDays 2023 waren ein voller Erfolg! Ausgewählte Schülerinnen und Studieninteressierte aus ganz Österreich zusammen, um intensiv in das Studium "Metallurgie & Metallkreisläufe" einzutauchen. Die "MetalDays" boten den Teilnehmenden eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, die Vielseitigkeit der Metallurgie hautnah zu erleben. Jeweils drei Tage lang, erhielten Studieninteressierte die Möglichkeit, in den [...]

GUEST AT. KIM Conference 2023, Daegu South Korea

Hallo Freunde der Wissenschaft! Robert befindet sich derzeit für sein Auslandssemesters an der Pohang University of Science and Technology und absolviert dort neben Kursen auch Teile seiner Masterarbeit. Im Zuge dessen, durfte Robert ebenfalls an der KIM Conference (Korean Institute of Metals and Materials) in Daegu teilnehmen und dort einen Teil seiner Masterarbeit vorstellen. Diese [...]

Congratulation to the PhD

We are particularly pleased to congratulate two individuals on the successful completion of their Rigorosum examinations. Andreas Pfeiffer(Picture 1) with the topic : Evaluation of the Smelting Behavior of Direct Reduced! & Heng Zheng(Picture 2) with the topic: The Influence of Prior-Oxidation on the Reducibility and Fluidization Performance of Magnetite Iron Ore   This marks [...]

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