Get the MASTER.

It's time - the MASTER DEFENSE for "METALLURGY" is coming up! The exam will take place on April 1, 2025, at 8:30 AM in the seminar room of the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR MASTER'S DEGREE? Then register for the exam by March 3, 2025, and Get the MASTER. To ensure [...]

UNTERWEGS. 75th World Foundry Congress_Deyang, China

Drei Vertreter aus Leoben haben am renommierten World Foundry Congress (WFC) teilgenommen, einer der führenden Veranstaltungen der World Foundry Organization (WFO). Mit spannenden Vorträgen und einem bedeutenden Award konnten sie eindrucksvoll das Know-how und die Innovationskraft der Montanuniversität Leoben und des Österreichischen Gießerei-Instituts (ÖGI) präsentieren. DI Maria Pammer vom Lehrstuhl Gießereikunde präsentierte die Vorteile [...]

AWARDED. Doctoral Prize of the ÖWGP – Austrian Scientific Society for Production Engineering

On October 29, 2024, the Autumn Conference of the Austrian Scientific Society for Production Engineering (ÖWGP) took place at Graz University of Technology, accompanied by the ÖWGP Doctoral Colloquium. During this event, the best dissertations in the field of production sciences were honoured. First place was awarded to Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Kathrin Thiele from the [...]

RÜCKBLICK_Stammtisch mit der Firma Ebner Industrieofenbau_29.10.2024

Am Dienstag, den 29.10. organisierte die ASMET Studentensektion einen informativen Stammtisch mit der Firma Ebner Industrieofenbau. Ebner, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Wärmebehandlungsanlagen- und Ofentechnologie, stellte dabei innovative Lösungen und aktuelle Projekte aus der Industrie vor. Besonders beeindruckend war der Werdegang der beiden eingeladenen Montanisten, die selbst an der Montanuniversität Metallurgie studiert haben [...]

ECIC 2024 – Presentations on research and development projects for hydrogen plasma smelting reduction melting and low-CO2 sintering

The 9th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress ECIC 2024 was held in Bardolino from 16 to 18 October 2024. The latest technologies and research results in the fields of coke production, biochar and biocoke production, sintering, pelletising and ironmaking (blast furnace, direct reduction and smelting reduction) were presented and discussed at the event. The [...]

Opening of the new metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy

After four months of renovation work, the newly designed metallography laboratory at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy was reopened at the end of October. The laboratory served our students and employees for over 20 years before the extensive renovation started and a new workspace up to the latest state-of-the-art was built. Particular attention was [...]

AWARDED. “Best Paper” Richard J. Fruehan Award (AIST)

The primary author Dr. Kathrin Thiele received the prize for the best paper entitled „Different approaches to trace the source of non-metallic inclusions in steel” in the field of process metallurgy from the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) together with her colleagues Sergiu Ilie, Roman Rössler, Christoph Walkner, Thomas C. Meisel, Thomas Prohaska [...]

Hydrogen-Carbon Centre Inauguration

The Hydrogen-Carbon Centre at Montanuniversität Leoben was inaugurated in October of this year. The Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy is also involved with two research facilities: a multi-cathode furnace and an arc-based plasma pyrolysis system. The multi-cathode furnace allows us to conduct research into fundamental to industrial-scale issues on a pilot plant scale. The furnace`s [...]

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