Department News

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Interview mit Triathlet Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johannes Schenk

Professor Schenk ist nicht nur Leiter des Lehrstuhles für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie, sondern auch der Wissenschaftliche Leiter (CSO) der K1-MET GmbH. Er studierte Verfahrenstechnik an der Technischen Universität Graz (Promotion im Jahr 1989). Von 1990 bis 2009 war er bei Siemens VAI Metals Technologies (ehemals Voest Alpine Industrieanlagenbau) im Bereich Roheisentechnologie tätig. Er fungierte dort [...]

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Future market 3D printing in the area of Leoben and on Montanuniversität

Cost-efficient, flexible and simple production of single parts and small batches The basic features of additive manufacturing, also known as layer manufacturing or 3D printing, have been around for about 30 years. This process only became known to the general public after various patents expired, which opened up the free market for 3D printing. In [...]

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FORMNEXT 2019 – Trade Fair for Additive Manufacturing – Frankfurt

Metallurgy student Lukas Neumayr was able to gain insights into the production of the future at Formnext 2019 in Frankfurt. Formnext is the leading trade fair with over 800 exhibitors in the field of additive manufacturing and its entire upstream and downstream processes. The focus is on the area of design through to the production [...]

Additive Manufacturing – Metal Powder Production – ATO One

Metallurgy student Lukas Neumayr was able to gain insights into the production of the future at Formnext 2019 in Frankfurt. Formnext is the leading trade fair with over 800 exhibitors in the field of additive manufacturing and its entire upstream and downstream processes. The focus is on the area of design through to the production [...]

Additive Manufacturing – Metal Printing – Laser Metal Deposition “LMD”

Metallurgy student Lukas Neumayr was able to gain insights into the production of the future at Formnext 2019 in Frankfurt. Formnext is the leading trade fair with over 800 exhibitors in the field of additive manufacturing and its entire upstream and downstream processes. The focus is on the area of design through to the production [...]

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Symposium to honor Univ. Prof. Preßlinger and his 70th birthday

On the occasion of Univ. Prof. Preßlinger’s 70th birthday, the Department of Metallurgy arranged a symposium under the title “Iron- and steelmaking – yesterday, today and tomorrow” last week. To honor Univ. Prof. Preßlinger’s work, there were lectures of companions who worked together with him over the years: Univ. Prof. Clemens Eibner of the University [...]

MetalDays 2020

In the days between 01.07. – 03.07 & 26.08. - 28.08. the Department of Metallurgy in Leoben will once again host the MetalDays. Many pupils from all over Austria will have the opportunity to get to know the Department of Metallurgy and to gain insights into the study of metallurgy. In addition to exciting presentations [...]

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