Department News

Obituary Univ.Prof. Univ.Doz. Dipl.Ing. Dr. mont. Hubert Preßlinger

We have received the sad news that Univ.Prof. Univ.Doz. Dipl.Ing. Dr. mont. Hubert Preßlinger died on October 5, 2020. We are losing a person who has always been closely connected to Montanuniversität Leoben and especially to the chair of Ferrous Metallurgy. We will remember his dedication for metallurgy in Leoben with gratitude. Our condolences go [...]

Der Beitrag der Metallurgie zur Nachhaltigkeitswoche

Die Montanuniversität Leoben nimmt heuer erstmalig an der Nachhaltigkeitswoche teil und bietet unter dem Motto „Unsere Forschung für unsere Umwelt“ einige spannende Webinare aus den verschiedenen Fachbereichen. Auch die Metallurgie beteiligte sich an der Online-Veranstaltung mit vier Vorträgen. Dabei wurden die folgenden Themen durch unsere Kollegen vorgestellt: Wie tragen Prozess- und Produktentwicklung zur Nachhaltigkeit bei? [...]

Rigorosum Daniel Spreitzer

We congratulate our new alumni of the doctoral program in Metallurgy, Dipl,-Ing. Dr.mont. Daniel Spreitzer to his final exam, the “Rigorosum” which he passed with distinction this week. Daniel wrote his dissertation with the title „Development of characterization methods for the evaluation of the kinetic behaviour and the fluidization of iron fines during hydrogen-induced fluidized [...]

Metallurgie in und nach der Corona-Zeit: Erfolgreich in Lehre und Forschung

Der Lockdown in Folge der Corona-Pandemie hat auch die Metallurgie an der Montanuniversität Leoben vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. "Das Engagement der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in diesen schwierigen Monaten war und ist außerordentlich hoch. Es konnte nicht nur die Lehre (Online-Vorlesungen und praktische Übungen) vollständig abgehalten werden, sondern die Zeit wurde [...]

Summer internship in the field of metallurgy in summer 2020

It has been a tradition at the chairs of metallurgy for several years that students are given the opportunity to do an internship at the university. In this way, the interns can gain first experiences in the professional world, and especially in research. This year, despite Corona, we were able to bring some young, motivated [...]

“Sehr gut” – excellent results in the evaluation of the WS19/20

We are very proud to announce that 8 metallurgy courses in the winter semester 2019/2020 were rated "Very Good" by the students. In total, students have rated 30 courses for the winter semester 2019/2020 with "very good", 8 of which are courses in the field of metallurgy. Many thanks to all the lecturers, whose dedication [...]

New publication in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

Michael, Peter and Nora published a new article on an “Experimental Study of High Temperature Phase Equilibria in the Iron-Rich Part of the Fe-P and Fe-C-P Systems” together with Professor Youn-Bae Kang from POSTECH, our partner University in Korea. A further positive result of the collaboration of the two Universities in the field of computational [...]

11th MetalDays of the Metallurgy Leoben: A breath of normality

After long hopes and fears, the time had come on July 1st: The Metallurgy Department at the University of Leoben was able to welcome interested pupils to the already traditional MetalDays. The MetalDays 2020 are the 11th edition of an information event during which pupils from all over Austria are introduced to the study and [...]

Alumni Afternoon

In the course of the lecture „Einführung in die Metallurgie“ the alumni afternoon took place for the first time. For the event we could win four alumni of metallurgy in Leoben, who took different paths in their careers. We were able to get Dipl.-Ing. Tanja Pfeifer from Pankl Racing Systems, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Gregor Arth from [...]

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