Department News

Research Exchange POSCO-MUL – Mr. Sang-Woon Moon

In the course of a research exchange between POSCO and the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Mr. Sang-Woon Moon joined the research group Continuous Casting and Cleanness from Dec. 2019 to Dec. 2020. POSCO, the steel producer from Korea, is known all over the world for highly sophisticated and excellent research activities. There is a long-standing [...]

New Christian Doppler laboratory

On October 1, 2020, the new Christian Doppler Laboratory for the selective recovery of special metals, headed by Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Steinlechner started operation. In numerous high-tech applications, special metals, which are often only available in limited quantities in certain regions, are indispensable. For example, electric cars, mobile phones and solar cells require metals [...]

Webinar – AIST 2020 Metallurgy Steelmaking and Casting

On October 22nd, Alexander participated at a webinar organized by the Association for Iron and Steelmaking Technology (AIST). The webinar included selected presentations which were originally planned to be held at the AISTech Conference 2020 in May this year, but had to be cancelled due to the current pandemic. So, using this opportunity, Alexander had [...]

Verkürzte Hauptexkursion der Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie nach Linz

Auf Grund der aktuellen Situation wurde die diesjährige Exkursion der Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie auf drei Tage verkürzt. Elf Studierende nahmen am Programm teil. Der erste Tag stand im Fokus der Wasserstoffmetallurgie: Michael Zarl leitete mit einem Überblicksvortrag ein und Dr. Axel Sorman von der K1-Met GmbH berichtete über den Stand der Inbetriebnahme der HPSR-Anlage [...]

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