Department News


Great news: A new Dr.mont. at our Chair! After positive evaluation by the reviewers Prof. Pogatscher (MUL) and Prof. Dippenaar (UoW, Australia), Alexander Mayerhofer sucessfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Enhanced Characterization of Non-Metallic Inclusions for (Sub) Micro Steel Cleanness Evaluations" today!  Congratulations, Alex!

YouTube Tip

So that you don't have to miss out on interesting lectures during the summer break, we have a YouTube tip for you: The lecture "Sustainable Metals" by Dierk Raabe, Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, Düsseldorf, can be found on YouTube. Here you can find the lecture: Open Access Reference:

Summer Break

Whether you are going to work this summer, heading to summer exam dates, or treating yourself to a vacation: The Department of Metallurgy wishes all students a wonderful time! Of course, we are still available for you through all our channels!

From June 28 to July 09 2021 the virtual information and introductory event "MINT@Leoben" will again take place at the Montanuniversität Leoben for prospective students and future first-semester students. Students (our MINTfluencers) lead through the program. The MINTfluencers will introduce the participants to the MINT subjects. There is also the opportunity to get to know [...]

Galvatech 2021

Next week, the time has finally come and Galvatech, postponed from 2020, will be virtually launched on Monday, June 21, 2021. The program includes over 140 interesting papers, which will be presented in three parallel sessions from June 21 to June 23. Details can be looked up on the Galvatech homepage. 10 students of metallurgy [...]

Aluminum in the transportation sector

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, automotive manufacturers are increasingly turning to aluminum, which is three times lighter than conventional steel. However, especially in the area of car body outer panels (engine hoods, door panels, trunk lids), complex designs are leading to increasing demands in terms of formability, which requires the optimization of existing [...]

Lecture – Dr. A. Quick

We cordially invite you to the lecture "Measurement data acquisition in the steel industry - What use is the data?" by Dr. Andreas Quick. When? 06/24/2021, 5:00 p.m. Where. WebEx No registration is required! The collection of measurement data is a generally accepted and established approach, especially in the steel industry, but now also in [...]

Digital transformation and data analytics

Digital transformation and data analytics have long been an integral part of metallurgy, but what exactly are the issues that move our companies? Is our education still living up to expectations? The Department of Metallurgy is organizing the lecture series "Digital Transformation and Data Analytics in Metallurgy", to which all students are cordially invited. Five [...]

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