Ferrous Metallurgy News

UNTERWEGS. 11th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), Germany

The 11th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC) took place in Essen (Germany) from October 7 to 11. Our team from the Chair of Iron and Steel Metallurgy was strongly represented with a total of six participants! Prof. Christian Bernhard, Michael Bernhard, Peter Presoly, Georg Gaiser, Robert Littringer(Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy) and Daniel Kavić (K1-MET) [...]

WELCOME. Begrüßung unserer Erstsemestrigen

Am vergangenen Donnerstag durften wir unsere Erstsemestrigen herzlich am Department willkommen heißen. Nach der Führung am Lehrstuhl für Nichteisenmetallurgie, begrüßten Susanne Michelic und Kathrin Thiele die Studierenden am Lehrstuhl für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie und führten sie in das Studium ein. Dabei gaben sie wertvolle Informationen über den Studienaufbau sowie einen Ausblick auf die bevorstehenden [...]

Zu GAST. LMPC – The Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference 2024

From September 23 to 27, 2024, the LMPC - The Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference took place in Leoben under the chair of Prof. Abdellah Kharicha (Head of the Chair of Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes). Our department was also represented by Mehran Abdi, Daniel Ernst, Mohamad Al Nasser, Peter Presoly, Alexander [...]

Visit by Prof. Jung-Wook Cho (GIFT/POSTECH)

Prof. Cho is head of the Controlling Solidification Processes Lab at the renowned Pohang University of Science and Technology (Republic of Korea) and visited the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy as part of a two-day scientific exchange. There is a long-standing cooperation between the Graduate Institute of Ferrous and Eco Materials Technology (GIFT) at POSTECH and [...]

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