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So far MeT has created 295 blog entries.

Reason 2: Metallurgy in Leoben is – a sociable campus life in Leoben with a great community

The city of Leoben has a charming flair and directly in the city center there is the university campus. The students in Leoben know each other and a well working community is very important. The students and the alumni have an active interchange and everybody helps everyone. The students learn together and support each other [...]

Reason 1: Metallurgy in Leoben is – an excellent education on the highest level

In 2023 the Montanuniversity Leoben was rated by the international Shanghai Ranking, which rates international universities, and placed 21th internationally in “Metallurgical Engineering”. In the European Union (EU), the university excellently placed 2nd. This honor is a confirmation that our education and research in metallurgy in Leoben are amongst the best in the world. You want [...]

Einfluss der sekundärmetallurgischen Behandlung auf die Ausbildung nichtmetallischer Einschlüsse und Auswirkung auf das “Clogging” im Stranggießprozess

Company / Institute: Advisors: assoz.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Susanne Michelic

Grand opening of the analytical scanning transmission electron microscope “3DnanoAnalytics”

Last week the grand opening of the analytical scanning transmission electron microscope was celebrated at the institute for non-ferrous metallurgy. With the generous support of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency the project with a project size of 1.8 Mio. € was funded with 85%. With this support, the institute could buy the microscope and the [...]

Hauptexkursion 2017: Mexiko und Texas

Nach der erfolgreichen Exkursion nach Deutschland und Österreich 2016, wurden diesmal Mexiko und Texas als Ziele der zweiwöchigen Hauptexkursion 2017 des Lehrstuhls für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie ausgewählt. Ziel dieser Exkursionen ist das Kennenlernen von fremden Kulturen sowie von Firmen, welche ihre Produktionsstätten außerhalb Europas haben. Dies ist ein wesentlicher und wichtiger Teil im Laufe der [...]

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