Dear Coffee Lovers!

The Montanuniversity Leoben invites you to the “Coffee Special Workshop!”

The life of owner Joshiah Tiners is shaped by his passion for the black bean!
His previous experience working in different coffee houses is widely spread, so he is always on the lookout for the perfect cup of coffee.

  • Learn all about the origin, roasting and preparation of coffee.
  • Learn about the importance of grind and brew temperature and how they affect coffee aromas.
  • Other topics that influence the taste of coffee are also covered, such as water, the way it is prepared and how it is stored.

Join us and learn how to achieve the perfect coffee experience.

WHERE: JAMILA COFFEE, Triester Str. 2, 8724 Spielberg (
WHEN: 08 February 2023, 17:00h (2h)
(limited ride available on request…16:20h departure USI)

Please register for the free, coveted places via:
Both tours in German.