Metallurgist from Leoben honoured with Willy Korf Young Excellence Award

Andreas Pfeiffer has been honoured with the Willy Korf Young Excellence Award for his work for his PhD thesis at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy, Montanuniversität Leoben. He received this award on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, during the Global Steel Dynamics Forum #GSDF2023 held in New York City. At the award ceremony, Andreas had the [...]

50th International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD)

Michael Bernhard and Peter Presoly participated in the 50th International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD) from June 25-30. The conference was held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston (MA, US). Michael Bernhard gave a lecture on new results from his stay abroad at the Graduate Institute of [...]

Neue Professorin für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie

Mit 1. Oktober wird Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Michelic den Lehrstuhl für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie übernehmen. Damit ist sie die erste Frau, die diesem „Gründungslehrstuhl“ der Montanuniversität Leoben vorsteht. Mit 1. Juli übernimmt sie die wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführung des Kompetenzzentrums K1-MET. Bedeutsamer Lehrstuhl Mit der „Lehrkanzel für Hüttenkunde“ startete 1840 die Steiermärkisch-Ständische Montanlehranstalt, der Lehrstuhl für [...]

Visit of Prof. Youn-Bae Kang (POSTECH, Republic of Korea)

From June 19 - 21, Prof. Youn-Bae Kang visited the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy. He is the head of the Clean Steel Laboratory at the Graduate Insitute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT) of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). There is a long-standing cooperation between the two institutes in the field of continuous casting, inclusion [...]

AISTech 2023_Detroit, Michigan, USA

Kathrin Thiele, PhD student at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Inclusion Metallurgy in Advanced Steelmaking, was a guest at the AISTech 2023 in Detroit. AISTech is the largest conference for iron and steel metallurgy with 7500 participants. Kathrin Thiele gave a presentation at the conference entitled: "Different Approaches to Trace the Source of Non-Metallic Inclusions [...]


Plenary talk at the METAL2023 in Brno Prof. Christian Bernhard was invited for a plenary talk at the METAL 2023 in Brno, addressing not surpringly "Continuous Casting of Steel: Latest Achievements and Futurs Challenges for Research". METAL2023 was held for the 32nd time and addresses all fields of Metallurgy, Metal Forming, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy and Materials [...]

STAMMTISCH throwback- Firmenvortrag der Hertwich Engineering GmbH

Am 16. Mai 2023 luden unsere Studierenden der ASMET- Studentensektion zu einem spannenden Firmenvortrag ein. Hertwich Engineering mit Sitz in Braunau ist weltweit in der Entwicklung, Lieferung, Konstruktion und Inbetriebnahme von Spezialmaschinen und -geräten für die Aluminiumindustrie tätig. Das Unternehmen ist kompetent für die Lieferung einzelner Anlagen, sowie kompletter Al-Gießereien Ein spannender und informativer [...]

VISIT to Pohang.

Professor Christian Bernhard visited our partner University POSTECH in Pohang last week, hosted by Professor Youn-Bae Kang. Christian presented “new ideas on quality prediction in continuous casting of steel” to the students. In addition, a technical meeting with Korean steel producer POSCO took place, discussing possible future collaborations. Thanks a lot to our colleagues in [...]

Company Presentation – Hertwich Engineering GmbH _ May 16th 2023

SAVE THE DATE! We have exciting news for you!🎉 The "ASMET- Studentensektion" would like to cordially invite you to the Hertwich Engineering GmbH.🏭📈 When: Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 at 6:00 PM Where: Hörsaal E, Montanuniversität Leoben After the presentation around 7:30 PM, you can join us at the "Stammtisch der Metallurgiestudenten" at "zum Greif" to [...]

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