Congratulations on the successful master's examination!
Congratulations on the successful master's examination!
Friendly Reminder: If you are interested in an internship in the summer of 2022 at voestalpine AG in Linz, don't forget to apply in time at! If you have any questions, especially about internships in the field of metallurgical research, please contact Dr. Peter Reisinger (Linz) at peter.reisinger(at)
TÜV SÜD will take place in Vösendorf near Vienna from June 1 to 2, 2022. Information about the program: Interested students have the opportunity to participate free of charge: Please register in advance with Elenor Schwarz at by 18.02.2022 at the latest!
Last Friday Die Presse published an article about Assoz.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Michelic. It can be read here: „Smarties und Nüsse“ im Stahl |
On November 17th the new Christian Doppler Laboratory for Inclusion Metallurgy in Advanced Steelmaking has been officially opened. The lab is headed by Assoz. Prof. Dr. Susanne Michelic and is now already the fifth CD lab currently running at the Department Metallurgy! Congratulations! Related links Neues Christian Doppler Labor ( CD-Labor für Einschlussmetallurgie in [...]
The Donau Chemie AG offers a four-week internship for students of the University of Leoben. The location is Landeck in Tyrol. If you are interested, please apply directly on the homepage. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Schumacher.
STV Metallurgy is hosting a Q&A session with Dr. Andreas Weidlich on MATLAB and Simulink on 15 November at 3pm. Students at MUL have the opportunity to use MATLAB and Simulink as well as 100 other software solutions for academic projects. In addition to these products, there is also the possibility to take self-directed online [...]
The ÖH platform Studieren Probieren gives you the opportunity to get a taste of studying metallurgy! Representatives of the field of study will accompany you to a selected course during the presence appointments directly at the University of Leoben. In addition, you have the opportunity to ask questions about the study programme in a relaxed [...]
Key to recycling For almost a century, commercial aluminum materials have been developed and optimized for high performance in specific applications within strict chemical confines of industrially established alloy classes. The requirements associated with sustainable lightweighting concepts call for new strategies that offer a broader property portfolio with a better trade-off between formability, achievable strength [...]
Congratulations to all who have successfully completed their master’s degree exams today!