Department News

Exkursion to thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG Duisburg & METEC Düsseldorf

From 24th to 28th of June thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG thankfully invited a group of 18 students from both metallurgy and materials science department to the Ruhr area companied by Katharina Kirchheimer. After a bus ride starting in Leoben to the hostel in Duisburg on Monday the students discovered the nearby Landscape Park Duisburg Nord, [...]

Diploma Examination

The Department of Metallurgy gratulate Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich BRANDNER (with honors), Dipl.-Ing. Laura JEGLITSCH, Dipl.-Ing. Nadine KÖRBLER, Dipl.-Ing. Lukas MAIR (with honors), Dipl.-Ing. Mathias REPPER, Dipl.-Ing. Evelyn SOBOTKA and Dipl.-Ing. Philipp WEILGUNI for the succesfully completed diploma examination.

Open House on the 17th of May 2019

Three times each semester, the Montanuniversität Leoben offers an open house day for interested students where they can learn about our different study programmes and have a look around the university. Again, we could welcome our visitors to the department in our foyer where we could show them the world of metallurgy with our great [...]


This year the SCHOOL@MUL project again took place at the Montanuniversität Leoben and from our Department the Chairs for Casting Research, for Nonferrous Metallurgy and for Ferrous Metallurgyparticipated. At the Chair for Ferrous Metallurgy, we had visitors from elementary school, 3rd year and from the “Altes Gymnasium Leoben” we had visitors from the 2nd year. [...]

Lecture at the HTL-1 Lastenstraße

This Thursday, Professor Schenk visited his former technical high school  in Klagenfurt. Second and fourth classes with a focus on mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and mechatronics participated. The students were introduced to studying at the Montanuniversität Leoben and the great career opportunities. There was also an exciting insight into the world of metals and metallurgy. [...]

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Master Programme on Sustainable Materials (SUMA)

The Sustainable Materials (SUMA) master programmes are two year master programmes embedded in the engineering programmes of the participating universities (120 ECTS). They combine a high level of expertise in materials with competences in sustainable materials engineering and sustainability to educate responsible materials oriented entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders for the future. Five partner universities offer [...]

Lecture at the BeSt³ fair in Vienna

On the 9th of march the study program of metallurgy had the chance to present itself at the biggest educational fair in Austria. Christian Bernhard from the department held a lecture about “Metallurgy – with Innovation into the future”. He explained to the audience not only, what metallurgy is but also, which possibilities metallurgists have. [...]

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