Department News

Open day – HTL Vöcklabruck -“creating metals – creating value”

Today, Tuesday, the HTL Vöcklabruck visited us and took a look at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy. After a short introduction, the inquisitive young researchers got familiar with the world of steel and received first impressions of what metallurgists can do. The path from iron ore to the end product was explained to them and [...]

Faces of Metallurgy – Interview with Lucas Holzer

Welcome to #facesofmetallurgy, the exciting interview series in which we bring well-known metallurgists in front of the camera. ?️?? In round 12, we introduce Lucas Holzer. He has received an award of a special kind. He convinced the jury with his pre-scientific work entitled "The production and use of hydrogen in the production of iron [...]

MetalDays 2019

In the days between 24th and 27th June 2019 the MetalDays took place at the Department of Metallurgy in Leoben. Many students from all over Austria had the opportunity to get to know the Department of Metallurgy and to gain insights of the study of metallurgy. In addition to exciting presentations and experiments in our [...]

Das Department Metallurgie gratuliert Hr.Tobias Rieger zur bestandenen Lehrabschlussprüfung

Nach einer anspruchsvollen und lehrreichen Zeit bestand Tobias Rieger am 29.8.2019 das Fachgespräch zum ausgebildeten Werkstofftechniker. Er bleibt dem Lehrstuhl erhalten und schließt sich der Arbeitsgruppe M²CC des Lehrstuhls für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie an, hier wird er im Bereich der thermischen Analyse weitere Fragestellungen der Metallurgie behandeln.


The steelChallenge-14 Regional Championship will take place 27 November 2019 from 12.00 UTC. Participants will access the competition from the steeluniversity website and had 24 hours to produce a grade of steel meeting technical requirements at the lowest cost per tonne The simulators used for steelChallenge-14 will be Electric Arc Furnace and Secondary Steelmaking Simulator. Individuals participated in [...]

Rigorosum Stefanie Scheiber und Roman Krobath

Und wieder hat die Metallurgie neue Doktoren hervorgebracht! ?? Alles alles Gute zur hervorragenden Leistung an Stefanie Scheiber und Roman Krobath – beide Promotion mit Auszeichnung! ⚒️? ➡️Stefanie hat ihre Arbeit am Lehrstuhl für Nichteisenmetallurgie verfasst. ➡️Roman hat seine Arbeit am Lehrstuhl für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie verfasst.

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