Department News

Publication in Calphad

Michael Bernhard and Peter Presoly published recent results from their K2-project "SmartCast" on the thermodynamics in the system Fe-C-P in the highly ranked journal Calphad. Congratulations!

Rigorosum Philipp Dorrer

We congratulate our new alumni of the doctoral program in Metallurgy, Dipl.- Ing. Dr. mont. Philipp Dorrer to his final exam, the “Rigorosum” which he passed with honor today. Philipp wrote his dissertation at the Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy and finalized his studies in Leoben with a videoconference. We wish him all the best for [...]

Research exchange in times of the Corona virus

The Montanuniversität Leoben invites many exchange researchers to Leoben to all the different departments and chairs. The Department of Metallurgy is no exception, for example the chair of Ferrous metallurgy has frequently the honor to welcome such guest researchers. Our new colleague Anne Hietava currently is staying in Leoben for such a research exchange. She [...]

Symposium zu Ehren des 70. Geburtstages von Univ. Prof. Preßlinger

Symposium zu Ehren des 70. Geburtstages von Univ. Prof. Preßlinger Anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Univ. Prof. Preßlinger veranstaltete das Department Metallurgie ein Symposium unter dem Titel „Eisen- und Stahlerzeugung – Gestern, heute, morgen“. Um die Arbeit von Prof. Preßlinger zu würdigen, gab es einige Vorträge von Wegbegleitern. Die Vortragenden waren: Univ. Prof. Clemens Eibner [...]

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