Department News

Job Opening

The Department Metallurgy  has an opening for a technical employee! Application form and the complete advertisement:

Job Opening

The Department Metallurgy has a vacancy for the apprenticeship "Materials Technician" (apprenticeship period 3 years)! Application form and the complete advertisement:

Info Day

Tomorrow is Info Day! At 10:30 am we will inform you about the study of metallurgy & at 13:00 pm one of our graduates will speak! We are looking forward to seeing you! More info and all links can be found here.

New process developed for recovering valuable materials from dust

At the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy, under the direction of Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Jürgen Antrekowitsch, Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Stefan Steinlechner and Dipl-Ing. Michael Auer in cooperation with the company ARP GmbH developed a new process, which should be an important part of the value-added cycle in the steel and zinc industry in the future. The [...]

Happy Holidays

A turbulent & unusual semester comes to an end. Many thanks to all who always try to improve the online teaching. Now we finished the WS 20/21! After the break we welcome our 1st and 2nd semester students at the first online regular's table. Until then - have nice holidays!

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