Congratulations to all who have successfully completed their master's degree exams today!
Congratulations to all who have successfully completed their master's degree exams today!
Resources and energy efficiency in the recycling of metals This week, the TripleN-Talks kick off again! Prof. Helmut Antrekowtisch, Head of the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy, will give exciting insights into the recycling of metals and the associated improved energy and resource efficiency. Only through an effective combination of raw material and primary metal extraction, [...]
The metallurgy student representatives , in collaboration with the ASMET student section, is hosting the next regulars' table on March 25 at 7:00 pm! The program includes a lecture as well as small group talks. We look forward to spending a fun evening together with you! The link will be sent out via email in [...]
Michael, Nora and Peter published a new article on “Characterization of the γ-loop in the Fe-P system by coupling DSC and HT-LSCM with complementary in-situ experimental techniques” together with Material Center Leoben (MCL). The approach of coupling DSC analysis and HT-LSCM observation will be used for future research work on solid-state phase transformations in recently [...]
Tomorrow is Info Day! At 11:30 am we will inform you about the study of metallurgy! We are looking forward to seeing you! More info and all links can be found here.
On Saturday, 06.03. at 13:20 Univ.-Prof. Helmut Antrekowitsch holds the lecture Metals - an important contribution to climate and environmental protection in the course of the digital BeSt³ education fair! Click here to go to the online fair:
This year there is again the opportunity to get one of the coveted metallurgy jackets, because the ASMET student section and the metallurgy student representatives have again selected a great model for you! Since this year, unfortunately, as usual, a direct fitting of the unembroidered samples isn't possible, the ASMET student section has taken photos [...]
The student representatives (STV) of metallurgy are looking for successors! The STV is the direct link between students and teachers, serves as a contact for all kinds of problems and promotes the exchange between students. For the upcoming election (probably mid-May), the STV is looking for motivated metallurgists who are willing to stand up for [...]
The ASMET student section organizes for you this year again new metallurgy jackets! Color, print and all the other info will follow soon! Many thanks to AMAG Austria Metall AG for their generous sponsorship!
On February 22, 2021, the international research project METCOMP ("Metastable Solidification of Composites: Novel Peritectic Structures and In-situ composites") tests will start on the International Space Station ISS with alloy samples from the Department of Metallurgy at the University of Leoben. Since the end of 2018, Dr. Johann Mogeritsch and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Ludwig from [...]