Department News

Transformation to CO2-free steel production – challenges and opportunities

CO2 reduction is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, also in the steel industry. What barriers need to be overcome? What changes need to be made? Exactly these questions and more, will be answered this Thursday, 24.03. at 5.30 pm, by Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Johannes Schenk in his lecture: When: 24.03.2022, 5.30 pm Where: EVENT-LINK Event number: 2732 [...]

Info Day March

On Friday, March 18, the next Info Day at the University of Leoben will take place! From 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., you will have the opportunity to get personal information about the study of metallurgy directly at the information stand. In addition, we offer guided tours on the topic "Green Steel: Hydrogen meets steel [...]

Metallurgy jackets

The Metallurgy Student Representatives offers softshell jackets in cooperation with voestalpine & ASMET student section! All information about fitting, price and ordering below.   Jackets The jackets will be printed with hammer, iron and crucible tongs (probably on the right upper arm) and the voestalpine logo (probably on the front). Ladies' jacket Men's jacket The [...]

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