Protected: Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie II, Modul 2 (2023) & Übung zu Steeluniversity (2022)
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Details Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Johannes Schenk Mentor: Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Jürgen Antrekowitsch
Details Company / Institute: Advisors: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Susanne Michelic Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Harald Leitner (voestalpine)
Zum Weltfrauentag möchten wir euch auf einen Artikel in „Die Steirerin“ aufmerksam machen, in dem die inspirierende Frau Susanne Michelic interviewt wurde. Frau Michelic ist als Expertin im CD Labor auf der Montanuniversität Leoben im Bereich Einschlussmetallurgie tätig und setzt sich ebenso für eine nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Produktion von Stahl ein. In dem Interview erzählt [...]
Our students from the Chair of Casting Research were allowed to take a look behind the scenes at ESW. During a tour of the production halls, they had the opportunity to gain interesting insights into the production processes at ESW. Many thanks to the colleagues at ESW Eisenwerke Sulzau Werfen for this great tour!
Breitenfeld Edelstahl hosted a group of our master students this week. Following a presentation on the metallurgical background of the production route, the students visited the steel plant, the secondary metallurgical facilities, the casting floor and finally, the remelting and forging shops. Thanks a lot to our colleagues from Breitenfeld Edelstahl!
From October 26th - 28th Johannes Schenk and Michael Bernhard attended at the 2022 KIM Conference at Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. The event was organized at the International Convention Center (ICC) close to Seogwipo city. In a special symposium focusing on decarbonization in ironmaking and steelmaking processes, Prof. Schenk gave an invited lecture on [...]
Congratulations on the successful master’s examination!
Kathrin Thiele, PhD Student in the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Inclusion Metallurgy in Advanced Steelmaking was awarded with a Best Poster Award at the 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen 2022 in Leoben. She presented a poster entitled "Application of ICP-MS to study the evolution of non-metallic inclusions in steelmaking". Congratulations Kathi!