Franz (Ritter v.) SPRUNG


Born 1815 in Krenhof bei Köflach (Styria).

1830-1837 Natural scientific, philosophic and juridical studies at Graz; judgeship assessment in Klagenfurt.

1837-1838 Practical experience in mining- and steel works near Gmünd in Kärnten (Carinthia).

1838-1840 Studies at the k.k. mining academy (k.k. Bergakademie) in Schemnitz.

1840-1842 Studies at the montanistic academy (Montan-Lehranstalt) in Vordernberg.

1842-1849 Mining- and metallurgical administrator (Berg- und Hüttenverwalter) in Jauerburg (Krain/Slovenia).

1849 Promotion to provisional and 1854 to full professorship for metallurgy at the montanistic academy (Montan-Lehranstalt) in Vordernberg respectively Leoben.

1857 Director at the metallurgical plant Donawitz, owner: Franz Mayr (v. Melnhof) respectively from 1872 on AG der Innerberger Hauptgewerkschaft.

1881 Ennoblement: Ritter von Sprung.

1882 Transfer to permanent retirement.

Died 1890 in Graz.

Field of activity

At the montanistic academy (Montan-Lehranstalt): lectures about metallurgy including practical training and administration of main excursions.

In Donawitz:

  • Improvement of welding and puddle furnaces.
  • Introduction of the Siemens-Martin process (1878).
  • Development of rolling mills.